A Busy Child Preschool & Daycare assists in helping children to acquire a strong foundation in the knowledge and skills needed for school success. We believe an effective preschool environment is a place where children feel well cared for and safe. Our preschool is a place where children are valued as individuals and where their need for attention, approval, and affection are supported. In this environment, children can discover the world that surrounds them and develop the capacity to connect with others.
We want you to feel that you are a part of your child's life here and to understand more about what we do every day.
The Creative Curriculum
We incorporate The Creative Curriculum for Preschool into our daily routine. The philosophy is that children should be allowed to grow at their own pace and to learn in ways that help them become confident in themselves as learners.
Our curriculum has two goals:
To help children learn about themselves and the world around them.
To encourage children to feel good about themselves and capable as learners.
We plan many activities for the children to assist in the development of these goals. We build with blocks, dress up and make-believe, put puzzles together, read books, tell stories, play with sand and water, draw and paint, cook, dance to music, and play outdoors. All of these activities are aimed at helping the children to do things on their own and to be curious and interested in all that's going on around them. We talk with them, ask questions, and answer their questions to help them learn new words and to express their ideas and feelings.
Other Programs​
Our Preschool/Daycare uses the Zoo Phonics Language Arts Program, provides monthly newsletters, Scholastic Book Clubs, Rhythm & Rhyme Time Music Lessons, yoga class with a trained yoga instructor, trips to near by parks, the library, and nutritious meals & snacks to enhance the preschool curriculum we offer to your child.